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Toffee Drape Detail Dress

Dress // Boots // Handbag 
Good Morning! It’s the first day of September (say what?!) and it’s almost the weekend… well, it is the weekend for me as I’m headed out of town early to the land of artsy coffee, the Seattle Seahawks, and the best seafood! Needless to say, I’m really excited to spend some time with family, watch Clemson whoop up on Auburn, and explore all that Seattle has to offer. While part of me doesn’t want summer to end (because I hate winter), I am seriously ready for some sweater weather! 

I actually never thought this color would look good on me, but I fell in love with this dress online & thought I’d give it a whirl. To my surprise, it quickly became one of my favorites for the transition into fall! 
What are you guys getting into for the holiday weekend?!


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