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The Best Jeans for Fall

Happy Solar Eclipse Monday! Did you guys get to catch the action today!? I was working but our office stepped outside for a little bit to observe history in the making! Initially I didn’t think I was going to be that interested in the Eclipse, however, I must admit it was pretty cool!
It’s no secret that I love a good pair of jeans. But these my friends, are on another level good. This is my first pair of boyfriend jeans, ever. Shocking, I know. But at 5’8″ with curves, I honestly did not think boyfriend jeans were going to be flattering on me. However, I saw these online at a few different retailers and couldn’t resist the urge to try them while they were marked down to $58. To my surprise, they are hands down my favorite jeans for fall! They are a true “jean”, so they don’t have any stretch in them but they are much roomier than your traditional skinny jean. Shane said they look “comfy”, if that helps describe the fit in any greater detail. I ordered a size 27 (pictured), and they fit perfectly everywhere, except the waist. Please note, I have to get almost all my pants taken in at the waist because as mentioned above, I’m curvy through the hips and rear. So this is nothing out of the ordinary. 
I ordered this sweater during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, and have been waiting to post about it because it sold out immediately during the sale! Not to worry though, it’s finally been restocked in all sizes and an additional color. I love the lattice back and bell sleeves, it adds a femine touch to an otherwise more masculine look. I also tucked the sweater in to give the outfit a little more shape! 
We spent the weekend in Asheville with Bailey Schwartz from Heres The Skinny and her husband. Thank you for all the reccomendations on places to eat and sight see! We had such a great time, and feel like we need to make another trip to tackle some of the other reccomendations we didn’t make it to this go around, including Curate! 


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