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My 2019 New Years Resolutions

2018 was a year for the books! We started day one as Mr. & Mrs. Dyer for the first time in our lives, and boarded a plane to Maui shortly thereafter. I’m not sure the start to any other year will top that one – but we shall try, am I right?! Looking back on 2018, I feel incredibly grateful for the health, happiness, joy, and family that surrounded us. We are insanely blessed, and very lucky to live the lives we live. With that being said, I’m excited and looking forward to what 2019 has in store for us and always love setting new goals and aspirations to only become a better version of me.
I’m a firm believer in writing your goals down somewhere, so that you can refer back to them periodically and hold yourself accountable for the progress you are or are not making towards them. I also work well with the buddy system, so this year I’m sharing my goals with you — so you too, can hold me accountable! Some are big, and some are small – but regardless of size, I hope to achieve them all. Here we go!

1. Make the bed everyday // This might seem silly to some of you, but I only ever make the bed when I’m cleaning. By taking the time to make the bed each day, I feel like I will set a positive tone for my day. There’s no better feeling than crawling into a made bed each night, plus – Shane really appreciates it. 

2. Give more of myself to our marriage // My mom has served my dad for almost 30 years. She makes his coffee for him every morning, she cooks dinner for him every night, and she’s one of the most selfless women I know when it comes to family. I want to focus more on the little things that Shane appreciates like a clean house when he comes home from work, a home cooked meal, folded laundry etc. 

3. Write more // I focused less time on writing last year than in previous years, mainly due to the amount of traveling we did. However, I really want to focus on getting back to 3 blog posts a week here. 

4. Commit to my skincare routine twice a day // I made a big initiative in 2018 to take better care of my skin. This year I want to commit to my routine both morning and night.

5. Set a financial income goal for The Cheeky Been // I’m extremely goal oriented and need these types of markers to hold me accountable each month. By setting a long term goal for myself, I can break it down into monthly markers to make sure I’m on track. 

6. Buy a new home // This is a goal Shane and I have together in 2019! We love our first home together, but are ready to expand and prepare for the future. 

7. Drink BCAA’s during my workout, and protein directly after wards religiously // I drink protein after my workouts with Ro, but I usually brush it off after my own workouts and essentially I’m wasting a workout by doing that. So, this year I want to focus on making both of those things a routine habit daily. 

8. 21 days no sugar // It takes 21 days to create a habit. I eliminated sugar before our wedding for 6 months and never felt better! Unfortunately, as soon as the wedding was over I went back to my sweet tooth. Shane and I want to do this together so we can hold each other accountable! 

9. Drink more water // I made a stride towards this in 2018, but I’m still not drinking the recommended amount per day. It’s so good for your skin and body in general, and lord knows I don’t want the wrinkles! 

10. YouTube Channel // This is one I’m most excited about! It’s already in the works and I’m hopeful for a January launch! You guys have been asking for more videos for years now, so I can’t wait to start this new journey and see where it goes!

Alright, so that’s it! This list might get a few edits as the next few weeks go by — but for now, these are my ten things to focus on. And with that,  I’m off to make the bed! Love you guys!SHOP THE POST:


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